Bag of Words

from gensim.utils import simple_preprocess
from gensim import corpora
from pprint import pprint
contents = [
    "More than half of survey participants also reported clicking on a headline expecting to read a balanced news account, only to find the story was pushing an agenda.",
    "The survey, conducted over a five-day period last month, sampled more than 2,300 Canadians."
['More than half of survey participants also reported clicking on a headline expecting to read a balanced news account, only to find the story was pushing an agenda.',
 'The survey, conducted over a five-day period last month, sampled more than 2,300 Canadians.']
# Get the tokens
tokens = [simple_preprocess(doc) for doc in contents]
# Create the dictionary
dict = corpora.Dictionary()
<gensim.corpora.dictionary.Dictionary at 0x11d0a88d0>
# Create the Corpus
corpus1 = [dict.doc2bow(doc, allow_update=True) for doc in tokens]
[[(0, 1),
  (1, 1),
  (2, 1),
  (3, 1),
  (4, 1),
  (5, 1),
  (6, 1),
  (7, 1),
  (8, 1),
  (9, 1),
  (10, 1),
  (11, 1),
  (12, 1),
  (13, 1),
  (14, 1),
  (15, 1),
  (16, 1),
  (17, 1),
  (18, 1),
  (19, 1),
  (20, 1),
  (21, 1),
  (22, 1),
  (23, 2),
  (24, 1)],
 [(10, 1),
  (20, 1),
  (21, 1),
  (22, 1),
  (25, 1),
  (26, 1),
  (27, 1),
  (28, 1),
  (29, 1),
  (30, 1),
  (31, 1),
  (32, 1),
  (33, 1)]]