Remove Numbers

content = '15. TFRecord in Tensorflow'
'15. TFRecord in Tensorflow'
import re
result = re.sub(r'\d+\.', '', content)
'TFRecord in Tensorflow'
content2 = """1. Cross Entropy Loss Derivation

2. How to split a tensorflow model into two parts?

3. RNN Text Generation with Eager Execution

4. Softmax activation in Tensor"""
'1. Cross Entropy Loss Derivation\n\n2. How to split a tensorflow model into two parts?\n\n3. RNN Text Generation with Eager Execution\n\n4. Softmax activation in Tensor'
result2 = re.sub(r'\d+\.', '', content2)
'Cross Entropy Loss Derivation\n\n How to split a tensorflow model into two parts?\n\n RNN Text Generation with Eager Execution\n\n Softmax activation in Tensor'
for c in result2.strip().split('\n'):
Cross Entropy Loss Derivation

How to split a tensorflow model into two parts?

RNN Text Generation with Eager Execution

Softmax activation in Tensor